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Category Archives: eoq


Most often when we think of a wheel, it’s in the context of transportation, one of the more obvious and ever-present of the 7 wastes. In fact, the..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, 7 wastes, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, eoq on January 31 , 2017.

Nice Round Numbers

I was working recently with a company that is targeting inventory reduction as a top priority. I stressed that reducing the causes of inventory is a..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, six sigma, lean accounting. continuous improvement, purchasing, bruce hamilton, safety stock, inventory, eoq on January 24 , 2014.

Thankful for Inventory

I heard a tongue-in-cheek radio ad for a local tobacco shop yesterday extolling the secondary benefits derived from tobacco, namely the tobacco sales..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, downtime, bruce hamilton, equipment, lot size, safety stock, inventory, eoq on November 25 , 2013.

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