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Category Archives: bruce hamilton

Push The Cart

There’s a certain irony for me in the attention given recently to the application of robots on the shop floor. On a couple occasions in the past..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, GBMP, kaizen, bruce hamilton on February 28 , 2023.

Leader Standard Waste: Part One

Three years ago I wrote a post entitled “The Emperor’s New Huddle Boards,” in which I expressed concern about the trappings of improvement without..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, kanban, six sigma, Toast Kaizen, David Mann, kaizen, standard work, toyota kata, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, leader standard work, standardized work on May 01 , 2018.

Who Cares for the Care Givers?

Last month I joined Eric Buhrens, CEO at Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) to host a leadership team from the Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center. They..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, lean thinking, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, lean enterprise institute, kaizen, 7 wastes, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, toyota production system on April 13 , 2018.

Back To The Future

Here is an article I wrote ten years ago, recently resurrected from the lost letter file. I can’t remember why I wrote it or for whom. Originally..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, TPS. oldleandude, kaizen, bruce hamilton, toyota production system on December 22 , 2016.

Ten Posts for Ten Shingo Principles

Hurrah! Today is the first day of Spring, if a little snowy, in the Boston area. And the 28th Annual Shingo Prize Conference is fast approaching in..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, Lean Principles, Shingo Institute, kaizen, shingo prize, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, Guiding Principles on March 21 , 2016.

Ludicrous Speed

Mel Brooks fans will remember Spaceballs, his jocular jibe at the Star Wars epic. In pursuit of a rebel ship, evil Lord Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis)..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, kata, lean manufacturing, kanban, continuous improvement, GBMP, TPM, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, toyota production system on February 08 , 2016.

Putting The Pieces Together

Summer’s here, and that means a family vacation to the beach, the boardwalk and the Hamilton’s favorite Pizza place. We all agree that Manco’s pizza..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, Toast Kaizen, improvement kata, Pizza, northeast lean conference, kaizen, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, Lean Culture on July 24 , 2015.

P-D Ratios

The last few weeks have been all things Shingo for me including a presentation at the Shingo Institute’s International Conference three weeks ago in..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, GBMP, muda, northeast lean conference, TPM, bruce hamilton, lean maturity, lean in healthcare, MRP, shigeo shingo, culture of improvement on May 27 , 2015.


Sometimes we receive unreasonable and confusing directions, and sometimes we give them. Check out this example.
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, Shingo Institute, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, shigeo shingo on April 13 , 2015.

The Emperor’s New Huddle Boards

After a one-day observation at a local company, I participated in a wrap-up meeting with the General Manager and his team. “We’ve been at this for..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, shingo prize, problem solving, bruce hamilton, A3, Huddle Boards on March 23 , 2015.

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